Rotknee Presents is Atlanta’s Longest Running Inner City Comedy Show — every Monday night from 9:30pm to Midnight.

Think You Have What It Takes???

Hey there, I’m Rotknee the host. Rotknee Presents is the longest running inner city standup room on Monday nights. The show has been running for about 9 years, it starts at 9:30pm. We ask that comedians call me on Thursday at 5 pm sharp. I turn off the phone and within 1 to 2 minutes I usually have about 30 comedians trying to fill 10 spots. If you were one of the first to call, I call you back and give you confirmation of your slot on Monday. Comedians are asked to show at 8:30 pm. If they are not there by 9:00 pm I have never had a problem giving away their slot. Sometimes we will work in out of towners but that is a real rarity. There’s tons of parking right next to and behind the Star Community Bar, and hell yes it serves alcohol! The bar’ll take your money any way that you have it. As I said, I am Rotknee the host. Best way to reach me is phone. 404.934.6598. There’s a ton of rooms all over the city. There’s a lot of greats, mine is the only place you need to be on a Monday!